Use "fighters for the freedom of israel|fighter for the freedom of israel" in a sentence

1. The glorious work of the Northern freedom fighters.

2. He is a freedom fighter.

3. The hardest worked were the female freedom fighters.

4. Terrorizing citizens, putting down freedom fighters.

5. You've also got various religious freedom fighters.

6. The army and police are no match for well-armed and determined freedom fighters.

7. Images of desperate freedom-fighters handing the packet round behind the barricade.

8. Sir, you' ve characterized the ALC as freedom fighters

9. Early production had a number of references to freedom: the White Base was originally "Freedom's Fortress", the Core Fighter was the "Freedom Wing" and the Gunperry was the "Freedom Cruiser".

10. Beaky is also a showman and the ringmaster of Bob Beaky's Travelling Circus, a front for the Freedom Fighters

11. They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

12. 13 They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

13. What is it with freedom fighters and couture anyway?

14. It freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press.

15. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, acting on behalf of the State of Israel (hereinafter 'Israel`),

16. Raul: One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

17. After the fight baptism, Luke already became an outstanding freedom fighter.

18. This may be what some of those egging the freedom fighters on want to happen.

19. Police oppression of the freedom fighters brought my protest against authority almost to the point of obsession.

20. FAFTA is the acronym for 'Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance

21. Later on, Hindi language became the main medium of freedom fighters during the anti-colonial struggle.

22. Israel Antiquities Authority – Policy for Granting Excavation Licenses in Israel

23. One man`s terrorist is another man`s freedom fighter.

24. Autonomies shows why Israel is fertile ground for powerful fiction: the series is a boiling cauldron of the issues of identity, religion, politics, and personal freedom that define life in the country today.

25. The IRA re-emerged as the Provisional IRA, self-proclaimed successors to the freedom fighters of 19

26. Freedom of movement for persons - Freedom of establishment - Lawyers - Access to the profession - Residence requirement - Not permissible

27. The catalogue of basic rights included Freedom of Movement, Equal Treatment for all Germans in all of Germany, the abolishment of class-based privileges and medieval burdens, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Conscience, the abolishment of capital punishment, Freedom of Research and Education, Freedom of Assembly, basic rights in regard to police activity and judicial proceedings, the inviolability of the home, Freedom of the Press, independence of judges, Freedom of Trade and Freedom of establishment.

28. Dictatorship stands for the denial of individual freedom.

29. 17 Moreover, he distinguished the freedom from the casualness, the vulgarism of freedom from the virtue of freedom, and emphasized the value of"civilized freedom".

30. Since the truce, four Hezbollah fighters have been killed in clashes with Israel troops.

31. The slaves yearned for freedom.

32. So, real attacks on free speech and academic freedom by national politicians and major pro- Israel groups in this country.

33. Yet Americans once acclaimed Fidel Castro as a heroic freedom fighter.

34. We believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, especially freedom of ( political ) expression.

35. What did the ark of the covenant represent for Israel?

36. The political freedom for which our forebearers fought is meaningless without economic freedom.

37. Freedom to lie is not freedom of the press.

38. Nobody in Washington will determine the range of freedom of assembly or freedom of speech for those in Tahrir Square.

39. 13 True Freedom for the Maya

40. And freedom for all!

41. (adjective) Athirst for freedom.

42. He purposed for us to have, not total freedom, but relative freedom, subject to the rule of law.

43. But quite the opposite happened, as the freedom fighters turned their confinement to good use.

44. That era created the adage that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

45. They remained absolutely neutral, for example, in the struggle between the Roman ruling authorities and such Jewish freedom fighters as the Zealots.

46. He is now almost universally considered to be a heroic freedom fighter.

47. Taglit- Birthright Israel offers a FREE trip to Israel for Jewish young adults between the ages of 18 and 32

48. He died for your freedom, the very freedom you use to Besmirch his reputation.

49. It's often said that one person's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist.

50. What are some other advantages of living Chastely? Many of the advantages have to do with freedom: freedom from a negative lifestyle and freedom for a positive lifestyle

51. The government's decree allowed freedom of movement for all citizens.

52. A respected General in the Martian Army, Carbine joined Stoker's Freedom Fighters when she realized …

53. d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.”

54. What was it all for, if not for the reward of freedom?

55. Freedom of speech is necessary for the health of the body politic.

56. No democracy can exist without freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

57. The Zimbabwean government is accused of suppressing freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

58. A skills shortage exists and the reintegration of former freedom fighters has proved difficult, with many incidents of undisciplined conduct.

59. As a freedom fighter and veteran administrator, his service to India was impeccable.

60. The prisoners made a dash for freedom.

61. Moreover take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel.

62. To ensure this , freedom of expression and freedom of the press are essential . "

63. an impetuous dash for freedom .

64. So Judah was partially accountable for the error of the “house of Israel.”

65. + 26 For Jehovah had seen the very bitter affliction of Israel.

66. In 2010, Yadlin was awarded the Israel Prize, for his lifetime achievement and special contribution to society and the State of Israel.

67. What do you believe in, Mag? I told you - you're no freedom fighter!

68. 3: The Children of Israel.

69. Israeli new shekel (ILS) is the official currency for the State of Israel that is issued by the Bank of Israel and is comprised of 100 Agorot

70. They boarded a flight for Israel.

71. I also need absolute freedom of movement for the concerns premises.

72. He judged Israel for eight years.

73. Freedom from the drudgery of every day life... freedom as abstract ideal.

74. The freedom to connect is like the freedom of assembly, only in cyberspace.

75. Of the mighty men of Israel,+

76. Freedom of expression and the freedom of the press have returned after many years of absence.

77. For millions of Americans motorcycles represent freedom, rugged individualism.

78. What written provision did Jehovah make for members of “the Israel of God”?

79. 10 Freedom of speech is necessary for the health of the body politic.